RCU and RAO have lead first conference of organizations on collective management with rights of CIS countries.

20th May 2009 on the Russian Author’s Society and the Russian Copyright owners’ Union’s initiative took place first conference of directors of all organizations on collective management with properly neighboring rights of CIS countries.
In this conference participated representatives of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation, the Rosohranculture, the International Confederacy of Authors and Composers societies , World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), directors and the leading Managers of RAO, RCU, CIS’s organizations, also of the leading Russian Music publishers.
The main purpose of this conference is coordination of activity and development of cooperation on the post soviet space in the sphere of collective management with rights of authors and owners of neighboring rights.
Within the limits of the meeting participants had possibility to exchange with practical experience, to get some recommendations about order of organization of work with territorial branches, about methods step-up effective of distribution system.