Commission of Russian protecting culture recommended to accredit VOIS

Accrediting Committee on consideration of applications of the organizations on management of the rights on a collective basis on reception of the state accreditation on realization of activity in following spheres of collective management:
– realization of rights of performers to receive royalty for public exploitation and also for broadcast, and cable transmission of phonograms published in commercial purposes (Art. 1326 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation);
– realization of rights of producers to receive royalty for public exploitation and also for broadcast, and cable transmission of phonograms published in commercial purposes (Art. 1326 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation);
On behalf of chairman of the commission (deputy director of Russian protecting culture) Mrs. N. Efimova has declared the decision to recommend head of Federal service on supervision of observance of the legislation in the field of protection of a cultural heritage (Russian protecting culture) Mr.  A. Kibovsky to accredit VOIS on both above-stated spheres of collective management.