On 28th December, 2009 KOUPI – a reliable partner of VOIS – was accredited by the Committee for Intellectual rights of the Government of Kazakhstan as the only organization to carry out collection of the remuneration within the internal territory in the name of domestic producers and performers, the Ministry of Justice of RK reported.…
VOIS has reached a set of agreements with foreign partners to comply the Russian performer rights outside of the country. The 10th anniversary meeting of European performers was held in Cabourg in December 2009, 10-11. The event was organized by ADAMI. More than 280 participants including performers, lawyers, producers, newsmen etc. took part in the…
The Ministry of Science of Ukraine, IFPI (International Federation of Phonographic Industry) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) on 30th June, 2010 organized a meeting concerning collective management in Ukraine. Presentations were made by representatives of WIPO, IFPI, the State Department of Intellectual Property of Ukraine (SDIP), collective management organizations in the field of related…
Recently VOIS joined C.A.P.I. as a member. C.A.P.I. is a non-government organization that unites EU collective rights management societies. C.A.P.I. was founded in 2009, Italy. The main goals of C.A.P.I. are to develop efficient system for neighboring rights protection in EU countries and to monitor enforcement in IP area. VOIS is extremely interested in bilateral…
The meeting of SCAPR members was held in Bucharest (Rumania) on 26 May, 2010. VOIS took part in this meeting as an observer. Mr. Andrey Krichevsky made a detailed report about situation, concerning neighboring rights in Russia, and VOIS’s activity. “Cooperation between all societies is an efficient issue to comply the neighboring rights on the…
The 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee on Copyright was held on 7 and 9 June in Paris (France). VOIS, RAO and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation took part at the meeting as representatives of the Russian Federation. The Intergovernmental Committee consists of 18 countries including Russia, USA, France, Greece, Austria, Argentina,…
ASTERAS (Cyprus) is a non-government neighboring rights organization. According to the bilateral agreement the performers of the both countries will be protected equally on the contracting territories.
In the middle of March, 2010 VOIS concluded two bilateral agreements with Greece collecting societies: APOLLON and ERATO. These agreements will certainly help VOIS to carry out collecting of the remuneration for Greece performers in Russia and, accordingly, in favor of Russian artists in Greece.
Forum of C.A.P.I was held on 23 February, 2010 in Brussels (Belgium) The participants from the EU neighboring rights collective management societies discussed many ‘hot’ questions such as fight against piracy, compliance the rights of performers and producers in digital era and etc. All the participants marked that a joint neighboring rights collective management society…
4 August, 2010 the delegation of UzMIG visited VOIS. In accordance with the bilateral agreement signed in March, 2009 the parties summed up the current results and discussed the plans for future cooperation. The representatives of UzMIG presented the annual report of its activity and made a short overview about national legislation of copyright and…